And I thought a calorie counter was cool. Well, I thought it was cool a month ago when I linked to it from something or other, wrote it down, and promptly forgot about it. I found it today and thought I'd check it out and lo and behold, IT GAVE ME GRADES ON WHAT I ATE!!! As an over-achiever, I love getting grades because I think I'm awesome at everything. Here's what I earned according to my grader:
3 blueberry pancakes w/ maple syrup: B
2% milk: A-
1/2 cup almonds: B+
lots of water: A+ (there wasn't a grade for water, I gave it the A+)
PBJ (1 white, 1 whole wheat piece of bread, natural PB, blueberry jam): B+ (no grade, again, this is merely my prerogative)
Baked BBQ Lays: B- (never eat chips but they had them at my training, so I did)
Rice Krispies Treat: C+ (yeah, I had the munchies)
Mac and cheese (homemade w/ wheat pasta): A
Portabella mushroom w/ ricotta and tomatoes: A (again, my grade)
2% milk: A-
Green tea: A
I GOT ALL A'S AND B'S!!!!!! Score!!! BTW, I predicted what I would eat for dinner based on fridge contents.
Here are some other cool thing is have discovered lately:
- The new Zumba dance moves I learned yesterday made my neck muscles and my head sore. Wierdest thing ever.
- Whilst I may be turning 28 in 17 days, my real age is only 23.5!! Score again!!!
- I am doing very well on being green. 9 out of 10 accomplished and in place and we are hanging a clothes line soon (hopefully this actually happens, we've had it for over a year!! Slackers, I know!)
- I am really trying to enjoy my food. J and I were listening to NPR and heard a story about food. Ever been so focused on reading or watching TV while eating that you forget to taste your food? Today I really enjoyed the aforementioned Rice Krispies Treat. It had such a lovely crunch.
- MEDITATION!!!! Not the new age kind, but just sitting and breathing to clear my brain before sleeping. I only tried this on Monday but I did get high on air. Free substance abuse!!! I realized after a while that I was feeling dizzy, similiar to the way I feel when blowing up many balloons too fast. I considered this and realized maybe I was getting too in to meditation. My first try was fun though. I think funny words while breathing. Like 'yaw' and 'weeeeeee' and 'heeeeee'. Fun:)
- MY COMPOST WORMS SURVIVED A WINTER IN THE GARAGE!!!! I checked on them yesterday and they are frantically slithering to the surface in search of food. Poor frozen and deprived worms. Animal abuse from the vegetarian who hates killing animals.
- I really LOVE red bell peppers. Being a vegetarian has made me incredibly unpicky. Hasn't erased all remnants of my former picky self but I am breaking down quite a few walls. I love grilled bell peppers and mushrooms SO MUCH.
- I was at literacy training today at the administration building. Pedometer registers only 2,000 steps!!! GEEZ OH PETE. I am going on a long walk w/ Sadie at 5:00.
- I am considering setting a no shopping goal. Wondering if this is attainable for me. Wondering what I would do w/ my personal money if I didn't shop? Some big purchase for myself in 6 months? Or maybe limiting myself to 1 shirt, bottoms, shoes each month? Hmmm, more thought is required.
- Can't end w/o a 10. That would leave us on an odd number and that would bother the OCD part or me. Oh, here: my sick sis sent me a link to a new blog (as if I need to add more blogs to Google Reader!!!): Making It Lovely. Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?
PS- I had 19 spelling errors in this tiny post. Oh no, an odd number!!! I am able to blame some of the many mistakes on my terrible typing skills and not just my spelling skills.
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