Today I made this:

Been meaning to for a while.
Ever since we moved in here, I've been dashing around from task to task like a chicken with its head cut off. Ick. I think now my house will be cleaner and my time will be spent more efficiently. And OMG do I love efficiency:)
So now I have a schedule for me and a schedule for baby C. I've found that if I don't have something like this, I tend to become a slobby blob, C gets bored, and life falls apart. J and I are finding out C gets bored VERY easily (hmmm, wonder who that sounds like!) and it drives me crazy having to dash from a chore to him, back to working, then to playing. The schedule will solve EVERYTHING, did you know? With it, I've got things to play/do with him while he's awake and a list of jobs I NEED to get done while he naps.
How do you parents do this? 15,000 loads of laundry a week!?!? C used to be a super good spitter upper but has since learned the folly of his ways, which decreased our VAST amounts of laundry. Still, there is A LOT. Add to that cloth diapers. Weekend work/paint clothes + regular clothes. 1 million bibs daily for my drooler (C, not J). Have I made it clear that the laundry never ends?
The schedule will do the laundry for me now:) AND fold it:) GLEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
The sad thing is, even though I have a made An Excellent Schedule, the house is such a pit from our busyness and minor house revovations that everything on my list needed to be done today:( Paperwork, grocery, laundry, cleaning, dishes, dinner, sweeping, vacuum, bathrooms. Everything:( I got to most of it but am leaving in 30 minutes for the Indy Homebirth Support Group. Cramming in dinner, nursing the babe, and leaving. Hanging with some fun mamas then coming back to put C to bed and get some J cuddle time:)
The schedule will get everything I didn't have time to do while I'm gone:)
I want a schedule that does all that. Put me down for one, will you?
ReplyDelete:) This looks like the kind of schedule that I would make and then be totally unable to stick to. Hope it works well for you!