Today is Mother's Day! Yay! I love my mom; no one makes sense to me like she does:) We're (my fam) going to the IMA (local museum) and having our annual Mother's Day Picnic in the gardens there. It's supposed to be 67 and sunny so maybe a little cool but otherwise a great day for a picnic!
I found this exciting book, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day, and am bringing 4 little loaves of bread for sandwiches this afternoon. We'll see how the bread actually turns out but it is really easy so far! All you do is mix flour, water, yeast, and salt together and let it rise for 2 hours. Then stick it in the fridge and pull off a chunk when you'd like to cook it. Let that chunk rise, then bake, cool, and eat! There's even a recipe for chocolate bread, something I tried at Fox and Obel's on our Chicago vacation. Just looking at the pics on the authors' website makes me drool. Ever since I was a kid, I've had a love affair with bread (don't tell J!).
This week my food love affair has been with a gallon of Mug 'N Bun root beer and vanilla ice-cream. What I say while drinking/eating my root beer float is not appropriate for this blog. Everything I say about it is only the best though!!
Here's an oldie but goodie SNL skit:)
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