December 10, 2010
New House
We close on our new house in 1 week!!! Getting pretty excited! I've already had 2 people ask me, "What, you haven't actually bought the house yet?" Um, no, we haven't, we've just been talking about it non-stop! It's bank owned so from the time we put in an offer to the closing, it'll be about 1.5 months. Apparently that is common for banks?
And, since it needs some work, cleaning, and painting, we won't be moving in for another month. Sigh.
HOWEVER, one month from today, we'll be waking up in our new home! It will be so nice to have a house again! To have a dishwasher, mixing bowls, my own pots and pans, and our own furniture and things back! It has been wonderful being able to stay basically free at my grandmother's condo (while she's out of the country) and we are very grateful for it!! There's no place like home though....
PS- pardon the photo quality, I took them with my phone:)
December 7, 2010
Rolly Polley
My Lovey Dovey Baby is having trouble rolling over lately. This is sometimes due to the fact that he prefers his hands clasped at his chest, for easy access to The Drooling Mouth. Other times it is Toys In the Hands that prevents him. And another reason could be Lack of Turning and/or Rolling Expertise.
Most of the time when he screams because he can't roll over, I sit and laugh (quietly, so as not to damage his confidence) (Oh, who am I kidding, I laugh out loud, a lot) and encourage him to keep trying. Sometimes I grab the camera and record it for future embarrassing movie sessions. Here's one of them!!!!
My poor beautiful child:)
December 6, 2010
I read a few money saving websites/blogs like My Frugal Adventures, Slick Deals, Money Saving Mom, and Baby Cheapskate (I think I found most of these from my SIL Christine!). I do find some good deals, free stuff, and cheap things I wanted to order anyway.
A lot of the sites help you save money with coupons, which I don't often use. Coupons aren't a part of my cheap life for a few reasons:
- First of all, we don't get a newspaper or go out and buy a Sunday paper (Sunday has all the coupons). Sadly, I canceled our newspaper subscription a year or two ago because I hated recycling that much paper every week. Plus, I often didn't have time to read the paper for my money's worth. I hate that I am helping print news die, but it's really not practical in my life. We do donate to NPR though!! Every year!!! That's where we get most of our news and we'll help them out if we can!
- Since I don't get a newspaper, I could still hunt for coupons online. But here's why I don't: I'm lazy. And busy. That's all.
- And what it really boils down to: we don't buy products that you generally use coupons on. The majority of our food is fresh produce, bulk grains, store brands, or bought at local stores. No one offers coupons for a bag of organic potatoes. Or 1.5 pounds of lentils. Or those eggs we get from my mom's friend. I don't use makeup, our toiletries are the 365 brand at Whole Foods, I make my hair gel, buy store brand toilet paper, ect.
Things I often buy name brand that I suppose I could use coupons on: ice cream, pasta, razors, toothpaste, tomato sauce, and flour. I think that's all. See, it's not enough to go through the trouble!!
So that's why I don't use coupons. Just thought I'd let you know about this EXTREMELY important area of my life. Commence with your normal, more interesting lives.
December 5, 2010
Crying in the Snow

So we went back inside, took him out of his snowsuit, put him in a light jacket, and went to Menards. Because you aren't supposed to put babies in carseats with coats on. WHO KNEW??? Well, who didn't know before having a baby= me.
December 3, 2010
C Laughs:)
Reading about my friend's little Kaylee reminded me of C back in the old days. Yes, I realize 3 months of living ain't nothing but he sure has changed a lot since birth! He pretty much follows a schedule and I am able to interpret what he wants/needs easier too. As an added bonus (for parental enjoyment!) he speaks, rolls, coos, attempts to sit and stand, and flashes a magical smile!!
Plus he laughs!!! Oh my, how J and I love to sit there and laugh at him laughing. It's amazing:) Now you get to watch him laugh!