October 31, 2010

Nice Time

Yummy dinner!!! By the firelight!!

J eating yummy dinner.

If you hold C up high, he actually keeps his legs stiff the WHOLE time. Like a little airplane:) And he just stares...

We've had a lovely weekend:) Here's why:

  • I figured out how to get C to fall asleep on his own!!! Sleepy, swaddle, swing. It's one of those catchy phrases to help you remember things!! Get your kid sleepy, swaddle him tight, set him in his swing with music on!
  • J and I had a delightful 30 minute dinner on our own:) Baby fell asleep on his own and we caught the tail end of his nap. 
  • Today I ordered a breast pump to facilitate more dinners on our own. I have high hopes for an occasional date night, a Harry Potter movie outing with my sisters, and even an afternoon or evening out on my own some day!!
  • Wonderful time with family Friday and Saturday. We helped my mom around her house Saturday afternoon, went to J's fam for a fun dinner and movie. 
  • Long lazy day Sunday:) We've done nothing today but play with Baby Boy, surf the web, go for a walk, and talk:) Oh happy lazy day, we needed you!


October 28, 2010

2 months

BTW, Caden turned 2 months and here are his pics:)


In the creepy spirit of Halloween, here are 2 creepy books to check out. Also, I'd like to let everyone know I really hate scary movies/books/experiences so these books are probably not really that frightening to normal people.

Right now I'm reading I Am Legend by Richard Matheson and it is giving me nightmares. I need to finish or stop reading it soon since I wake up pretty often during the night nowadays. Nothing like thinking about a freaky book when feeding your kid at 2:00 in the morning. The version I'm reading also has lots of terrifying short stories in addition to the main I Am Legend story.

Vampires. Shudder. Ick.

Also, last year I read Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury. I've always loved a good Bradbury short story but this one bordered on too suspenseful and scary for me. Possibly because I'm a wimp. Also, now I don't like carousels. 

Eek, something truly horrifying has occurred!!! Baby Boy has woken early from his morning nap!!! The shrill screaming echoes through the house!!! 

Or not since he's happily eating.

October 25, 2010

Nothing New

More pics of the baby. After I stop feeding him every hour or 2 during the day I'll stop posting so many pics of him. As it is now, he's pretty much my main focus in life. Everything else that I do revolves around him, such as: 

When shall I grocery shop? Afternoon, when C will sleep in the baby carrier.

When shall I shower? Morning, when J can hold C. 

When shall I cook dinner? Late morning, when C takes his nap.

When will C take his morning nap? Oh, NEVER. 

Where will C end up taking his morning nap? On Mommy. 

When will I wake up? When C wakes up.

What makes me the happiest now? MY LOVELY, BEAUTIFUL, MARVELOUS BABY:):):):)

I'm so grateful my life revolves around him:)

October 17, 2010


Our kid is 8 weeks old and we already like watching home videos of him. Our comments while watching them go like this:

"AWWWWW!!" "Look at how skinny he was!!" "Like a starving baby!" "AWWWW!!!" "Look how he can't control his hands!" "AWWWWW!!!!" "We made such a cute baby! Look C, look how cute you were!" "AWWWWW!!!"

Also, C's legs and arms are now too long for his 0-3 month clothes. I switched them out with the 3-6 month ones today... I must admit, I am very proud to be the sole source of my kid's chub. Pretty happy I've been the one to grow him from 1 cell to a 13-14 pound baby:)

I am also very glad we don't have to keep video-taping our pets. Seems a little more acceptable to have movies of your kid rather than your dog and cat. Oddly enough J did the pet videotaping and I do the C recording....

BTW, J and I discovered that we are too old and intellectual (code for stuck up) to listen to pop radio. Good thing we are NPR junkies since current music tends to inspire mucho mocking. We turned on the radio for C the other night in the car (he was screaming) and when he hushed, all you could hear was hubby and I mercilessly making fun of pop songs. So entertaining!!!

Baby is waking for his 10:27 PM meal, gotta go!


We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful; it's that women are strong. -Laura Stavoe Harm.

A friend of mine posed this quote on Facebook the other day and boy is it true. I think motherhood has maybe had a bigger impact than birth though...

I've never loved such a challenging job quite so much, 

never loved such a beautifully moody person so very deeply and completely, 

never been so satisfied and happy with my quiet little life as I am now. 

And I find that nothing is too much for me to do for my kid, and that my husband is more amazing than I ever knew.


October 12, 2010

My Family: Aren't They Cute?!?!

Damian making breaded fried mushrooms:)

Sister Leah laughing... notice my lack of adjusting my camera's settings. Sometime I need to just put it on auto and stop trying. 

 Bad pic of my kid whacking Leah's kid in the face. Poor Lilly...

Notice the amazing shirt C's grandma got him: BARF VADER. So perfect for my little geiser..

October 6, 2010

Daily Life

C loves staring out the big, bright window in the new temporary house:) This is his routine each morning while I eat and get ready for the day. He usually wakes around 7-8, nurses, then sits happily for a little while:) He grins a lot in the morning too!!!

I eat this (or some variation of it) for breakfast, complete with little notes from wonderful hubby. C begins to fuss about this time, necessitating foot rocking of his baby chair. He then breaks down completely, nursing again, then napping for a couple hours.

Lynda, our wonderful midwife, who helped me deliver C. We had one last postpartum visit Tuesday:( Won't see her much until the next baby:(

October 1, 2010


Not sure if it's warranted but every time baby C smiles in his sleep, I feel so proud of myself. I feel like all that healthy eating, exercising, and loving he got in my tummy for 9 months made him this happy. I feel like all my cuddles and rocking and swaying now make him content. I think that my words, kisses, and yummy milk make him deeply joyful. I think he must love seeing J and I love each other and laugh together. I think in delight that we made him this way: sweet, happy, and wondrous. 

Makes me feel beyond amazed, knowing I have a kid who is happy enough to smile and laugh in his sleep.
