Well, 5 weeks ago today we sold our house. Now today is our last real day here since we move to our temporary home tomorrow. So J, C, and I are going out to celebrate tonight even though I kinda wonder if we should just have a picnic on the floor our emptyish living room. But it will be nice to go out and do something fun together (plus C took a 5 hour nap today so I'd like to keep him awake as much as possible the rest of the day!).
It was a bittersweet day for lasts: today was my last day to wash the dishes in the sink J installed, with the faucet my dad gave me for my birthday. It was the last time for me to go for a walk with Sadie and C. I've had 5 years of walking these sidewalks... Last time to take a nap on the couch with my baby cuddled on my chest. Last night to sleep in the room where J proposed to me and C was born. Kinda surreal....
It's been a good 5 years here:) I bought this place when I was 24, J moved in when we were married 3 years ago (fun/crazy transition for Hard to Adjust Sadie and Sarah), and baby C was born almost 5 weeks ago.
It's funny, J and I went out to eat 5 weeks ago today to celebrate our house selling, wondering what we would do and where we would go. I remember being big and pregnant, feeling the baby kick and hiccup while we ate. Then 2 days later we had a baby but still no new house. Now 5 weeks later we are nomads with a child:)
Hmm, hope J gets home from work fast so we can go out and be cheerful, I'm getting a little melancholy!!