Hello world!!! I've been busy! With Lizzy!
Officially, today is my first free day with no work, no Liz appointments, and no family gatherings:) To celebrate, we have been reading, cooking, cleaning, and catching up on things. Liz is reading Night of the Twisters and I am reading The Eyre Affair, a Thursday Next novel. Makes me want to name my kids after days of the week. Wednesday Jarvis. Sunday Ann Jarvis. Hehehe.
We're waiting for bread to rise, the pasta sauce to simmer, and the yogurt to finish doing what is does (Curdling? Hmmm...). At 4:30 we're off to the farmers market in search of tomatoes, corn, broccoli, onions, and anything else that strikes our fancy.
Today is my 2 year wedding anniversary! You gotta love my husband for sticking with me this long:):) Happy anniversary delightful, marvelous, patient husband!!! You are my best friend and I'm glad I get to be with you forever!!!
I LOVE Thursday Next novels! Jasper Fforde is amazingly talented.